Internet service providers (ISPs) will be upgrading to IPv6, and most personal computer operating systems support IPv6. However, many routers and servers currently in use don’t support it, making a connection between a device with an IPv6 address to a router or server that only supports IPv4 difficult.

Starting in Windows Vista and Server 2008, Microsoft includes native support for IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) and is enabled by default. IPv6 is the new computer address protocol that will eventually replace IPv4 which is currently the most popular standard. Internet Protocol Version 6: IPv6 for Consumers | Federal Internet service providers (ISPs) will be upgrading to IPv6, and most personal computer operating systems support IPv6. However, many routers and servers currently in use don’t support it, making a connection between a device with an IPv6 address to a router or server that only supports IPv4 difficult. How To See If Your Computer is Using IPv4 or IPv6 See how there is an IP address next to IPv4 and not IPv6. Obviously I should choose IPv4 to change the properties of my connection or change the Ip address for my computer. So as you can see my computer is using Internet Protocol version 4 to connect to the internet which shows up as IPv4 in the list. How to Fix IPv4/IPv6 'No Internet Access' Error - Sep 19, 2019

Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) - TCP/IP Implementation

How to Disable IPv6 through Group Policy - TechNet

IPv6 Connectivity: No Internet access

The Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) information As a new version of the Internet Protocol, IPv6 was designed as a successor to IP version 4 [2]. IPv6 is assigned IP version number 6 and is formally called IPv6 [4]. Functions which work in IPv4 were kept in IPv6 and which didn't work was removed. The following are the main list of IPv6 … Disable IPv6 Windows 10: 3 Methods to Disable IPv6 in